Developing A Scots Pine Bonsai– part 1

I came across a few of these photos from a “memory” which popped up on my Facebook page, and thought I’d update the development of this Scots pine from a Xmas tree farm in Pennsylvania. Of course, I’ll add a lot more information in Part 2, but I’m busy finishing the anticipated 2023 US National Bonsai Exhibition Album.

1989– First potting from Xmas tree farm

1989– with good pinching the tree s becoming heavier. Not sure of the rock, but it does make the trunk base look better.

1997– The entire pine was defoliated to encourage short needles in spring. More information in Part 2.

1999- only two growing seasons were necessary for the pine to fill out

2002- This is the Pine when I purchased it in spring 2002, needs a lot of work (fun).

2010– beginning to develop into a new form, I needed right side branch and brought one from the left and stapled it the ideal location.

November 2023– pine became bushy and it was time to prune and wire.

December 2023- Alan Adair and I worked on the tree for about a month, we had other things to do… It was a good size, too big for me.

January 2024– we finished shaping the pine and decided it deserved a higher quality container.

September 2024–In February I visite the Gyozan Kiln in Tokoname and was lucky to find this container. Three large size containers were purchased that day and came home with me as extra baggage. The pine was transplanted in early summer into the fine new container it deserves. Now the bonsai is too large for me and I’ll let someone younger and stronger to continue its development. It is large, and if someone is serious in purchasing it I’ll go outside and measure it.

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