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Mid-Michigan Bonsai Message Corner

Annual auction 17Oct2024 - Van Attas.  See this article

The Toronto Bonsai Society is celebrating their 60th Anniversary Exhibition and Sale on October 11-13, 2024, at the Toronto Botanical Garden in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Achieving 60 years is a significant milestone that few other bonsai organizations have established a bonsai community yet.

The autumn shows colours when days get shorter and colder. For now its still a bit warm but slowly this changes. Before we can work on the deciduous when leaves drop, we can do our weekly bonsai work on another species.

Nick Hopes is known for his bonsai pottery, and in this episode, we visit the bonsai garden and the pottery workshop in Frigiliana, Spain.

Most junipers have two types of foliage, a needly foliage and a non-needly. Often these two foliage types are seen on the same plant. Other times the needly-type foliage is apparent in times of stress or when young, and the cord-like foliage, or mature foliage, seen when everything is physiologically rosy and stable.

Last week our bonsai society had a special meeting on spruce bonsai. Harvey Carapella, Marc Arpag and I presented simultaneous  demonstrations, in addition to a formal display of one of our personal spruce bonsai.  

Home again after a perfect stay in Spain. Switching temperatures to about 15 degrees C makes the autumn very present.

About a year ago I received a small olive with an unusual feature – the lower part of the trunk didn’t seem to be alive. The tree continued to grow, but slowly.

As a small business owner I spend an extraordinary amount of time chasing gremlins.

The Toronto Bonsai Society will soon be celebrating their 60th Anniversary Exhibition and Sale on October 11-13, 2024, at the Toronto Botanical Garden in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Achieving 60 years is a significant milestone that few other bonsai organizations have established a bonsai community yet.

This week’s post takes a second look at a Limber Pine first styled in 2019. With a mop of new shoots there is the potential to fully clothe the tree this time.