60th Anniversary Toronto Bonsai Exhibition

The Toronto Bonsai Society will soon be celebrating their 60th Anniversary Exhibition and Sale on October 11-13, 2024, at the Toronto Botanical Garden in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Achieving 60 years is a significant milestone that few other bonsai organizations have established a bonsai community yet.

The members and leadership of the Toronto Bonsai Society have successfully promoted bonsai for six decades, through exhibitions, displays, workshops, online zoom sessions, meetings and newsletters. 

The 60th Anniversary Celebration will feature some of the premier developed bonsai in Ontario, Canada. From the small shohin bonsai which fit in the palm of your hand to developed trees older than your grandparents will be displayed. The incredible variety of native Canadian trees collected, trained and cultivated for bonsai by members will be shown to the public as well as bonsai hobbyists in the region. Additionally, trees just starting their bonsai journey will be shown.

Other educational activities of the 60th Anniversary Celebration will include demonstrations, workshops, guided tours and a sales area where quality items for the training and enjoyment can be purchased.

Special guests include William N. Valavanis, (International Bonsai Arboretum in Rochester, New York, and Eric Auger and Marianne Duhammel, curators of the famed Bonsai & Penjing Collection at the Montreal Botanical Garden in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Everyone is invited to join me at the 60th Anniversary Exhibition as we celebrate the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Photos by Joe Noga of a few of the Toronto Bonsai members’ fine masterpiece bonsai.

Check out this YouTube video of their Spring 2024 Exhibition and sale:


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