2025 94TH Meifu Bonsai Exhibition

The 94th Meifu Bonsai Exhibition was held on January 10-12, 2025 in Nagoya, Japan. This is one of the largest and most important bonsai exhibitions. Also, it is the second longest in duration than the 99th KokuFu Bonsai Exhibition. Next February in 2026 will be the 100th anniversary of this most prestigious bonsai exhibition. It was started by Count Yorinaga Matsudaira and Tosho Kobayashi to raise the level of bonsai and increase awareness. Next year is the 100thexhibition, but the show has not been around for 100 years. Originally the exhibition was held twice a year in March-April and in November-December yearly from 19434 to 1954. There were no exhibitions during the wartimes.

In 1960 the Kokufu Bonsai Exhibition began yearly in February. Every ten years a double show was produced beginning in 1986 and it still continues.

The Kokufu Bonsai Exhibition mean “National” For years most of the bonsai came from one of the four main islands. But Tropical Okinawa is also part of Japan. Fuzaso Takeyama began teaching in Okinawa and now his son Hiroshi continues. Several y teaching in Okiears ago suddenly tropical species were represented in the exhibition, and I believe the tradition changed when the two Takeyama began teaching in Okinawa.

The Meifu Bonsai Exhibition mainly features bonsai grown and trained in the Aichi Prefecture region. This is a very fertile area for bonsai with the Suzuki family, Yasuo Mitsuya and Akira Kato leading the bonsai moement.

There are many Japanese black pine grown in this region so lots are represented. This year 65 bonsai were shown and there is always at least one special exhibit. Having this exhibition on the same days as the Gafu Shohin Exhibition makes it very convenient for foreigners since Nagoya is only a short 40-minute bullet train ride. There is also another excellent exhibition, in Okayama, but smaller which is held only one day a year, on the Saturday of the other two exhibitions.

The Meifu Bonsai Exhibition featured 65 trees. The bonsai were not crowded, pleanty  of breathing room between displays so visitors can enjoy the aesthetic impact of each beautiful bonsai. One of the highlights I like is the excellent overhead even lighting and the white backgrounds.

I really like this exhibition and will try to attend their 100th anniversary in six years

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